Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Columbus Day!

I've officially seen a Youtube comment that impressed me on this Youtube video about Reconsidering Columbus Day.

"Columbus Day! The day we celebrate the much hallowed voyage of Christopher Columbus.

Screw Columbus! You can't wander into someone's backyard and start discovering stuff. I remember as a kid, I "discovered" some apples from my neighbor's tree. They told my mom, and I discovered an ass-beating later that day.

So on October 12th, If you really want to commemorate Columbus Day in a genuine way, Make a bunch of wrong turns and give some Native Americans smallpox."

Thank you, christopherdavis777 for completely blowing my mind by posting something intelligent on Youtube.

1 comment:

Lyon said...

"Screw Columbus! You can't wander into someone's backyard and start discovering stuff. I remember as a kid, I "discovered" some apples from my neighbor's tree. They told my mom, and I discovered an ass-beating later that day."

I wasn't expecting that and I want you to know I almost spit my coffee into my monitor. ROFL I did the same thing with some grapes that belonged to a neighbor. And I discovered the same ass beating too.

Where was Columbus's mother to beat his ass?

"Chris!!! Get your ass in here and leave those natives alone!!!! I told you to stay in the yard where I could see you...."